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Oil Painting of Still Life

Samples by Characteristic

Each work sample showcases at least one desirable learning characteristic. This table is organized by those aspects. In the row next to each work sample name are icons indicating which attributes the sample will showcase. Click on an icon next to the name of the work sample to open it. The samples include more than the few characteristics indicated here. The highlighted traits are just the ones for which they were included. Tip: view it in Adobe Acrobat for best results.

And just like the paintings on this page, the same "paint" yields very different results depending upon who is using it and who is viewing it!

Learning Style Diversity
Distance Learning
Emotional support
Resource Utilization
Individual Practice
Manipulatives: Learning Palette®, Wrap-Ups® & VersaTiles®
Sales Training: Product Area Overview
Workbook and Features
Creativity: Restriction Enzyme Scissors
Creativity: Hazardous Waste
Customer Training: MyLabOnline
Manipulatives: 3-part & 5-part Cards
Creativity: Optics Lesson
Sales Training: Lab Exercises
Job Aid: LEAN Six Sigma Green Belt Training
Participant Guide and Features
Games: Terms & Definitions Puzzles
Job Aid: Competitor Information
eLearning: Course, Job Aid, and Instructor’s Guide
Distance Learning
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